
A list of awards given out to the Phoenix membership.

Simulation Cup 2012 (Ongoing Worlds)

2013 Tournament of Simulations

Squiddie Award

Friend of Phoenix Award/Special GC Award

Silent Hunter, May 2012 (Ash Leighton Plom)
Robert Longtin, June 2013
Ash Leighton Plom, August 2014
Euan Reid, March 2015

Player of the Month

Player of the Year

2011: Kevin Diamond
2012: Jason Andersen
2013: Kevin Diamond
2014: Misty Wilson

Sim of the Year

2011: The West Star
2012: Greenleaf Skyplex
2013: The Dark Cometh
2014: Dreamcatchers

Sim Leader of the Year

2011: Jason Andersen
2012: Robert Longtin
2013: Brandon Lowell
2014: Mischa Brendel

GM of the Year

2011: Amanda Bond
2012: Robert Longtin
2013: Giorgio Borgo
2014: Giorgio Borgo

Newcomer of the Year

2012: Brandon L
2013: Giorgio Borgo

Character of the Years

2014: Françoise – Canis UK (Giorgio Borgo)

Sim Level Awards

Non-sim specific

Mischa Brendel handed out the Patience Award to the following players:

  • wandrew
  • ksabers
  • BlueTressym
  • James M
  • Mike Palmer
  • Misty Wilson
  • dratliff
  • Jason Wypij
  • Jason Andersen

(15 July 2014)

Greenleaf Skyplex

  • Silent Hunter gets the Meat Eater award for his convincing, aggravating, and steroid ridden portrayal of the fine security forces currently trying to take over the space station. (30 May 2013)


The Master of the Understatement Award goes to Silent Hunter for post #299 in this thread. (9 January 2013)


Ash Leighton Plom gets the 'Mr Slippers effect' Award for his understated'I might as well light a pipe whilst dealing with this violence' attitude in this post. (20 June 2013)

The Elemental

"Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for the Most Consistent Portrayal of Haitian Creole and Interesting Related Linguistic Discussion" awarded to Robert Longtin

"The Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for the Most Balanced Study of Voodoo Through the RPing of a Houngan" awarded to Robert Longtin

"The Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for the Most Amazing Ninja Skills Stopping Just Short of the Ability to Fly" awarded to Jason Andersen

"The Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for the Elemental's Best Kept Secret" (a play on words refering to Bletchley Park, see goes to Jay Wypij for Julius Mann, known to the crew as Jackson Smart, who is successfully managing to keep his identity and prowess secret even in the face of recognition from NPCs and despite facing moral dilemmas, while reliably acting on his good conscience protecting innocents, etc.

"The Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for Wyatt Steele's Plain and Simple Awesomeness" awarded to Mike Miller

"The Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for The Best Facilitating of Player Brilliance in Bringing Out in Characters Exactly What the Players Wanted Brought Out" awarded to Amanda Bond

"The Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for Once Again Temporarily Playing Players' Characters During Their Absences with such Excellence that in Several Posts I Forgot I was Reading a GM Post and Thought I was in fact Reading a Post by the Actual Player of the Character" awarded to Amanda Bond

Ash Leighton Plom "Ah, the Mind of a Child!" SL Award is awarded to William Smith for playing Julian on the Elemental (26 February 2012).

"The Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for Joss Whedon Excellence in Firefly GMing" awarded to Amanda Bond (25 April 2012)

Another Whedonesque Award for Amanda Bond for what I'm calling the "Shall I get them with the grabby claws" post. (15 February 2013)

Euan Reid wins the Arcade Games Grant Transferable Skills Award for Alex White's thoughts on the Elemental's 'grabby claws' (26 February 2013)

The Shepherd Book Memorial "I wasn't always a…" Award goes to Jay Wypij for this post of awesomeness. :-D (3 March 2013)

The noisy "Makin' things go boom" award for dry humour under fire goes to Mike Miller for this post. (23 May 2013)

The heart warming Job Satisfaction Award goes to Jason Andersen for this post. Glad to see an employee happy in their work, Jason.

The Time For Some Thrilling Heroics Award goes to Euan Reide for this post. (23 May 2013)

Ok So I'm Ironman award to Jason W for letting the story chose the moment to reveal his character's secret identity.

Characters are interesting in defeat goes to Mike Miller who has never shied away from putting his character in a tight spot.

GM Didn't See This Coming goes to Jason Andersen for managing to totally surprise me with the story twist in his post.

A Hero Rises goes to Euan for Alex stepping up and out of his comfort zone.

So Many Feels in So Few Words award to Jason Andersen as I almost sent him an email to go "Is she dead? She's not, right? But is she?"

(All 25 July 2013)

Amanda Bond receives the Director's Cut Award for exemplary GMing.

(5 August 2013)


  • The How W'rin Bu Lai, Whai W'rin Bu Jwo award ('things never go smooth') to both Misty Wilson and Dondi Ratliff for their playing of their characters Ayla Seton and Shadai Liu-Gao respectively. (16 May 2013)
  • Dondi Ratliff receives the ‘Wounded Animal’ award for this post as Shadai on the Odyssey.


"Bringer of Joy to the Workplace" Trophy awarded to Jason Wypij (character: "Angel")

Robert Longtin is awarded the "Give Them Want They Want" Award for his character Quinn demonstrating precisely how to deal with a grumbling employee. (28 April 2012)

Robert Longtin gets the But She's A Kid's TV Presenter award for his reactions to Vikki Connors. (9 January 2013)

Mike Miller receives a Clean Uniform award for this post. (9 January 2013)

Misty Wilson receives the Girl's Got To Have Some Standards award for this post. (9 January 2013)

Robert Longtin receives the Dr Freud to ER, Stat! award for this encounter with a wrapped condom. (24 July 2013


Silent Hunter wins The Wookiee With The Most Pragmatic Fashion Sense Award. (14 December 2012)

The Angry, But Not So Angry as to be Trying to Eat Your Head award goes to Silent Hunter for his great description of wookiee body language in Invisec. (16 January 2013)

In a Star Wars spirit established at least as early as Episode IV's Obi-Wan but especially by Yoda in Episode V, Robert Longtin gets the Weird Hermit Award for Seelee's intro to his hidey-hole, see for example this post and this post.

Aidan Fal takes the Innocent Exposition Award for Ver's ongoing wide-eyed discovery of the galaxy, reminiscent of Episode IV's Luke Skywalker.

This line - "It's not that I don't trust you, but well, I don't" - wins Brandon L the Spike Award, for being like Spike from Buffy.

The "Aurebesh Emoticon" award goes to Andy 'spsblue' for this post. (23 May 2013)

Andy wins the "Welk in a Supernova" Award for this reference to beldons in tornados.

The Triple Zero

09/27/2011: Aidan Fal awarded The Ash Leighton Plom Triple Zero SL's Award for Awesome GM Art Showing Us Where Our Characters Are In A Particular Scenario

09/30/2011: Jason Andersen awarded The Ash Leighton Plom Triple Zero SL's Award for Comedic Awesomeness

'Most Likely To Have An Awkward Meeting With Han Solo' awarded to Jason Anderson and his double portrayal of an Antilles with Solo-leanings.

'Most Likely To Wear Human Entrails As a Bonnet' awarded to Ash Plom by GM Aidan Fal, and the ever questionable mental/processor health of A-3SC.

Robert Longtin is awarded Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for The Superlative Epicaryest (epic and legendary) Hero Introduction

Kevin Diamond is awarded the Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for Suitably Awed Responses to The Superlative Epicaryest (epic and legendary) Hero Introduction, both on The Triple Zero.

Jason Andersen is awarded The Big Bad Truth Nugget Miner Award for Fuller's analysis of A-3's words in the Triple Zero: [] (26 September 2012)

Aidan Fal is awarded the Emperor Sleemo Award for Requiim's comment about stormtroopers on Naboo (26 February 2013)

The ironic Perspicacity Award goes to Kevin 'Zuzutoo' for this post. (23 May 2013)

The West Star

The Ash Leighton Plom SL "The Skeleton Crew Who Kept The Empire From Looking Bad" Award goes with great thanks to Robert and Paul.

Ash Leighton Plom SL "You Ain't In Kansas Anymore" Dreamworld Character Development Award goes to Jay W and Nick B for Mouse's compelling depth, immersion, pain, and so much more in the scene in his bedroom and his dream sequence.

Ash Leighton Plom SL "Haven't You People Got Homes To Go To?" Award for Commitment, Dedication, and Frequent Flying to Amanda Bond and Jay W.

As such, the Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for Sheer Epicosity (That Should So Be A Real Word) goes to Amanda Bond and Nick Buchanan.

Robert Longtin receives the slightly protracted Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for Ironic Timing in a Non-Force Sensitive's Force-Related Joke for Chief Quinok's crack about sensing a disturbance in the Force just when there happened to be a fairly major disturbance, very locally. (9 May 2012)

Jason Wypij collects the Ash Leighton Plom SL Metafictive Award from Princess Leia (despite the metafictive chronological difficulties that would involve). (12 May 2012)

Robert Longtin earns the Jeff Vader Head of Catering Sim Leader Award for Finding a Tray Dried in a Rainforest. (24 August 2012)

Amanda Bond and Nick Buchanan are hereby awarded the Hasbro/Mattel Product Placement a Long Time Ago, in a Galaxy Far Far Away Award for taking time out to play some Scrabble in game. (7 October 2012)

Amanda Bond is awarded the "To bring disagreement to consensus" Pro-Democracy In Character Award. (12 December 2012)

Nick and Jay awarded the That Awkward Moment Like One of Those Naked Dreams You Used to Have, Only This Time it's for Real award. (18 January 2013)

Another Battle Worn Old Soldier for William Smith with this post. This theme is one of the West Star's underlying concepts, consistently well-realised by the wordsmith that is Will. (23 January 2013)

The Game On Award for Amanda Bond for the line "It was time to save Naboo and perhaps to save the Empire from itself". Epic post. This kind of thing keeps setting the sim's main metanarrative, and usually comes from the Ambassador.

Also for Amanda for this contrasting post, the Badass Damsel, in Distress Award, for showing Merisee's much more vulnerable side. (Both 23 January 2013)

The "Quietly Observant" award goes to Paul 'pauljericho' for the fittingly in-character way this post's silent watching contrasts with the conversation between the other characters in the thread. (23 May 2013)

The "Drunken Uncle" award goes to William Smith for this post. (23 May 2013)

The "Good Recovery" award goes to Amanda Bond for her post as Ambassador Merisee, here. (23 May 2013)

Paul wins the referencial "Could o' been a rancher in another 'verse" award for this post. (17 June 2013)

Nick Buchanan gets the I've Just Got to Go award and the Have You Got A Flag? Award for the "We're the Empire. We've Already Won" mentality. (5 August 2013)

Nick Buchanan, Jason Wypij, and pauljericho all get the Seeing this has to change a man award for their moment of reaction, looking at the planet Naboo from space, in the West Star sim.


Ash Leighton Plom GM Award for the Best Portrayal of a Sex Abuse Victim in the Star Wars Universe awarded to Kevin Diamond (Elli)

Ash Leighton Plom GM Award for the Best Comic Counterpoint to the Best Portrayal of a Sex Abuse Victim in the Star Wars Universe awarded to Nick Buchanan (with Jak on the same).

Ash Leighton Plom GM Award for Sombre Profundity awarded to Aidan Fal.

The Ash Leighton Plom GM's Award Recognising Overlooked Loss, Sacrifice, and Constant Heroism is belated granted to Dondi Ratliff for poor Shadra Reu on Accipiter.

Will Smith gets the GM Ash Leighton Plom Thanks for Playing Along Award for doing exactly what I'd hoped he would with a well-timed reference to Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope on the Accipiter. (9 May 2012)

Nicole Rennolds follows hard on Will's heels with a GM Ash Leighton Plom Punchline Award for finishing the joke. (10 May 2012)

Kevin 'Zuzutoo' Diamond gets the Ash Leighton Plom GM Best Award Ever (12 May 2012)

Kevin 'Zuzutoo' Diamond's "Good to see you are feeling better…" post as Elli gets the "Good Recovery Award" (15 Februay 2013)

Dondi 'dratliff' Ratliff's post about how her character's aura appears wins the awesome "Neutral slanted toward benevolent - but for the curious stains of jealousy that tainted it at the same time Award" (15 February 2013)

The creepy "Beautiful Butterfly" award goes to Nicole for her post as Aila, here. (23 May 2013)

The "Something wicked this way comes" award to Dondi 'dratliff' for my favourite reaction to some jeopardy and exposition.

The "Who am I?" award goes to Kit 'BlueTressym' for her brilliant entry thread to this sim, which just getting better. (23 May 2013)

The "Dirty Veneer of Badness" award goes to Nick for this brilliantly-worded post! (24 May 2013)


David Anderson is awarded the Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for Actually Being Hugh Jackman, in his roleplay with 'Anzac' in SGB-2, avatared by Hugh Jackman.

Dawn Castell wins the Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for Combining Outright Heroicosity with Believable Vulnerability in a Serviceperson for her characterisation of Avalon McManus in SGB-2 who has always somehow seemed to combine a brave and detached soldier with a wounded abuse victim in one person.

James Mcguire wins the Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for the Most Likeable Yet at the Same Time Manly and Impressive Civie Ever to Serve, in Lucas Fairweather, SGB-2's resident weightlifting geek.

Dave 'Anzac' Anderson earned the Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for Rocking It And Rocking It Hard for bringing some awesome music to an epic scene in SGB-2 in a style brilliantly congruent with his character. (12 May 2012)

The Commitment and Loyalty Award go to David Anderson, Dawn Castell, James Mcguire, and Will Smith for their dedication to SGB-2. (28 December 2012)

Dawn 'Avalon McManus' Castell The astute 'the whole planet has a 'wrong' feeling to it' Award for her post in SGB-2. (7 January 2013)

Berzerker gets the "Not an FNG" award for an exceptional first post and consistently brilliant RP in the month we've been privileged to have him posting so far. (23 May 2013)

The "Noble Truant" award goes to Dawn 'Avalon McManus' for the gallantry and stress inherent in this post. (23 May 2013)

The wry "We're used to long walks" award goes to Will for the humour in this post. (23 May 2013)

James gets the "We know where you live" surveillance award for this post. (23 May 2013)

Dave 'anzac' gets the man of action "Let's suit up" award for this post. (23 May 2013)

I'm giving Will the "Murphy's Skeptic" Award for his good-natured satirising Anzac's preoccupation with Murphy's Law. (17 June 2013)

Sunshine gets the "You Won't Catch Me In That Leather Cat Suit" Award for this hilarious post as Maxi. (6 July 2013)

And this post wins Berzerker the "I Am Comfortable With Myself" Award for his character's willingness to step up and wear the cat suit on Maxi's behalf… (6 July 2013)

Fighter Ops

  • "White Oryx" awarded to Kevin Diamond/Zuzutoo (character: Princess Noshin bin Sultan Al Qasimi) for positive portrayal of an Arab.
  • Bluffing On No Cards award given to Aidan Fal for making the Chinese break off via non-existent regulations (26 May 2012)
  • "One to watch out for award" given to Osprey for her portrayal of Naomi Baines (16 October 2012)
  • Kevin receives the Second Oryx to cheer the first one up for her posts as Noshin in Fighter Ops. (7 February 2014)
  • Osprey is awarded the Eye of the Typhoon award for this excellent post (8 July 2014).


The What Did I Just Get Myself Into Award goes to SoapyMac for this post: []. (6 May 2013)

The "Unicorns: When only one Corn is enough" award goes to Tarzan for this post: [] (20 June 2015)

Fourth Age

The Tense Sojourner award goes to Paul Baker for an exemplary Tolkenism (20 October 2012)

Jason Andersen receives the 'Older things and fouler in the dark places' award for the same thing (20 October 2012)

William Smith receives The Soldiers' Solidarity Award for his post in Fourth Age. (7 January 2013)

Amanda Bond The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale Award for her short story in Fourth Age. (7 January 2013)

Dondi 'dratliff' Ratliff wins the Ticking Timebomb of Celebathien, Sauron's Sleeper Agent award for this post. (5 February 2013)

The grave "Weight of centuries" award goes to Jason Andersen for this post. (23 May 2013)

Brandon L receives the "That is our way" award for portraying Dwarf culture in this post. (23 May 2013)

The sinister "It's rude to stare" award goes to William Smith for this post. (23 May 2013)

The Umhûdizu tadaizd ku’ adrûthîzd Prayer Award to Brandon L for this post. (30 May 2013)

The Man nár lyë arwa Quenya Award For Flavour Text goes to Jason Andersen for this post. (30 May 2013)

Amanda gets the "Down to (Middle) Earth" Award for this post. (17 June 2013)

From the Ashes

ksabers is given the One to Watch award for his introductory posts as Mila. (8 June 2013)
He also receives the Artist in Residence award for his crest for TCS Phoenix. (5 July 2013)

  • MiguelEstevez receives the Now Listen Very Carefully Award for his stealth 'Allo 'Allo reference in this post. (27 Feb 2014)

Alpha Six

Beyond the Veil of Truth

The 'Most Likely Not To Do Her Homework' award goes to Myfanwy, and her player Zuzutoo.

The 'Most Likely To Stare Down Evil Armed Only With An Air Guitar' goes to Robert Longtin.

Forgotten Realms

Kevin Diamond is awarded Robert Longtin's Just Happy To Be Doin' Good Works award. (22 December 2012)

Silent Hunter wins both the Loopy in the Brain-Pan award and the Elven Wet T-Shirt Competition award for posts ##2 and 8, and post #4 respectively in this thread:

And the Trying to Uncling When Wet and Clingy award for post #12 in the same. (all 9 January 2013)

Euan Reid wins the SLAM! award for this post.

Aidan Fal receives the Master Chief-esque I Need A Weapon award for Thilensi's beginning quest for retribution.

Kevin 'zuzutoo' Diamond's sexy crazy assassin post bags the "La Femme Cymoril" Award. (15 February 2013)

Silent Hunter takes the Strange Girl Award with this post. (17 February 2013)

Brandon L earns the Deadpan Snarker Award for his posting as Jander so far. (17 February 2013)

The Blind Faith Award goes to Leif 'wanderer' for Mourn's dedication to the Crying God: "I follow Ilmater's will; he has asked me to travel and so I am." (18 February 2013)

Kevin Diamond gets the When life hands you chimneys... award for his superb resourcefulness as his character Cymoril in the Forgotten Realms sim. (8 March 2013)

On behalf of the players of the Forgotten Realms sim, Robert Longtin awarded Ash Leighton Plom the GM of Many Hats award for, as Brandon put it, "the way he is handling all the crazy assortment of personalities in the Forgotten Realms sim." (8 March 2013)

Jason Andersen is awarded the Ramblerambleramble. I feel fine, why do you ask? award for his Gandalf/Merlin-esque play as Ailanthus so far.

This post gets Leif 'wanderer' the forboding "I've got a bad feeling about this" award for dramatic tension. (23 May 2013)

The Blood and Death award goes to William Smith and Euan Reid for their combined surprise attacks in this thread. (23 May 2013)

Krista Backman wins the Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen award for discipline for this post. (23 May 2013)

Aidan Fal gets the unconventional Joseph Cummins' Turn around and run like hell award for military strategy for this post. (23 May 2013)

Jason Anderson earns the "Feywilding Award" for the stunning description of magic use in this Forgotten Realms post. (24 May 2013)

The Nudity and Graphic Fantasy Violence award goes to Kevin Diamond for posts like this one. (23 June 2013)

Pukka Pete gets the 'Not On My Watch' Award for Vigilance and Valour', and I'm awarding Jason the 'Uhhhh…the sea monkeys have my money' Award for Roleplay Sleep. (6 August 2013)

Silent Hunter gets the Not Just A Pretty Face award for Eva's insightful, helpful, and sensitive comment to Mourn in Forgotten Realms!

A Kingdom for A Stage

Robert Longtin is awarded The Best Post on a Rope Net Award. (20 October 2012)

D'ni: Infinite Ages - Prison Break

The Wordly award goes to Amanda Bond for being able to jump into a setting at a disadvantage and yet be absolutely capable of fitting in and prospering…both in and out of character! (4 February 2012)

Jason Andersen won the Gehn Complex Award for playing the role of a passive, yet unchallengeable authority figure beautifully (20 September 2012)

Mike earned the Weary Traveler award for his excellent roleplaying of Richard in D'ni: Infinite Ages - Prison Break. (25 June 2013)

The Triple First

Osprey is awarded the Flare for Improvisation award for her post in the Sontaran ship (26 February 2013).

He also gets the Mrs Peel, I presume? award for Wynona Johns' deciding to wear tight leather to seduce a sentient walrus. (16 May 2013)

Pacific Rim

RavenSkyCatcher gets the Home Sweet Home award for a very touching post. (21 November 2013)

The Dark Cometh

July 14, 2013
• Soapymac ,Bluetressym, Misty Wilson, Firesky and Spsblue receive the Multiple Personality Award for amazingly in depth game play!
• Sim Level Achievement unlock "Exploration of CANIS HQ goes to SoapyMac
• Sim Level Achievement unlock A fiery retort goes to Misty Wilson
• Sim Level Achievement unlock Aviator wings for Zuzutoo for Providence’s first flight
• Sim Level Achievement unlock The gadget queen/king goes to Firesky
• Sim Level Achievement unlock Would you like to meet my furry little friend. goes to Bluetressym
• Sim Level Achievement unlock Bringin' down the housegoes to Spsblue for surviving the decimation of his home

July 18, 2013
• Sim Level Achievement unlock In N' Out recruitment goes to Glock Prime for an amazing one post recruitment
• Sim Level Achievement unlock A careful set of introductions goes to Brandon L and SoapyMac for an amazing role play at Canis HQ.
• Sim Level Achievement unlock Road TrippinGoes to Misty Wilson for her method of getting to CANIS HQ
• Sim Level Achievement unlock Appealing to a Higher Power goes to Lance (lance_valiant01) for his play with Poseidon.

July 19. 2013
• Sim Level Award That sums it up nicely goes to Firesky for his post as Kreston.

July 22, 2013
• Achievement And then….?!? RavenSkycatcher for edge-of-your-seat cliffhanger in War's backstory. (Given by lance_valiant01)

July 29, 2013
• Achievement Political Correctness is for Fruit-Loops for this 'Exhale slightly harder through my nose and mouth than normal' post by our very own, Brandon L. (Given by SoapyMac) for this post: … 613#p47613 (soapy)
• Achievement I'm not Schizophrenic, and neither am I… for the glorious "RPG Theater" going on between Feliciana and Agent Love, both played by Brandon L. (Given by lance_valiant01)

July 30, 2013
• Achievement DUAL-HODOUKEN!! to Misty Wilson and SoapyMac for co-fireball action. (Given by lance_valiant01)

Aug 1, 2013
• Sim award Much Love to all the cast of TDC for a record breaking month.

August 4, 2013
• Sim Level Achievement "Most epically terrible anything can go wrong on a date" to SoapyMac
• Sim Level Achievement Creepy walking through the forest music at night for SoapyMac making a little boy with a Jason fandoms dream come true
• Sim Level Achievement Smooth operating doc Holiday for the best mall trip ever lance_valiant01
• Sim Level Achievement "The Benny Hill escape"goes to Glock Prime for best running through the mall from security guards!

August 5, 2013
• Sim Aachievement unlocked Flushed away escape for Spsblue’s evading, Bieber security guards in the restroom. Nicely done and proud of you staying in character.
• Sim Achievement unlocked Kitty has claws for Bluetressym for sticking to her guns even in character for what she believes in.
• Sim Level Achievement unlocked "Giving wings to the flightless"for his gallant and generous acts with a food service employee as dr Ethan Aello. lance_valiant01, has brought great credit upon himself, the sim and RPers everywhere.

August 19, 2013

  • Sim Level Achievement Unlocked You need a Montage! Montage! For Brandon L and Glock Prime for successfully pulling off a montage in a Forum. from From here to Here Make sure to follow the links!

The Longest Journey

Bluetressym is awarded the Done-the-Impossible Award for outstanding writing as her Character Ciara by Mischa Brendel on 29 Aug 2013.

The Matrix

  • SoapyMac earned the In Soviet Russia Phrase Turns You! award for this post.
  • Brandon L earned the 'May we burn her?' award for this post.


  • ksabers receives the Ready To Go Award for so much super hero type awesomeness with this post in the Radioactive sim.
  • spsblue receives the award, "It's The Simple Things", for this post. (29 Mar 2014)
  • Dondi Ratliff receives the Oh wow, man award for this post. (9 August 2014)


  • mlb38 and Ironette the Couple From Hell award for this thread

/Knights of Blood and Steel/

  • Mike Palmer and IronForte receive the Old Salt award based on their performances as the two NCOs of our unit in Knights of Blood and Steel


1 Year Membership t8uufd.png


2 Year Membership ayavq1.png

Silent Hunter
Ashley Leighton Plom

Sim Leaders

Silent Hunter


Silent Hunter


Silent Hunter
Ashley Leighton Plom
Kevin Diamond
Jason Andersen


Multiple Sim Involvement